Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Master Minds...

Read on to find out how you can get a behind the scenes peaks into the minds of our resident artists, save on next session classes, and see a few recent student masterpieces.

Join us for an Artist in Residence Open House at Lillstreet this Friday night
December 17th, 7-10pm


Ceramics - Momoko Usami
Metals - Sontra Stala
Textiles - Johana Moscoso

See what has been going on in the master minds of the Ceramic, Metals, and Textiles departments as each resident artist presents their work and slide shows. This is a great opportunity to hang out with some truly talented folks! Refreshments and live music preformed by Jessica Robins will keep things lively.

Sign-up Early and Save! Register for Winter 2011 classes and pay in full by December 20 to save $20 on 10-week classes or $10 on 5-week classes. The early registration discount may be applied to more than one class and Members are eligible for both their membership discount and the early registration discount. Click here to Sign-up now!

Last, but never, never my friends least- check out your great work that came out of the kiln last weekend. Ooooh... Ahhhh...