Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Lillstreet on the Small Screen

Within the last week Lillstreet has been featured on 2, count 'em 2 local television new shows!! If you take a minute to watch the segments and you may just recognize some familiar faces from around the studio. These are great little introductions to Lillstreet, so be sure to pass them along to friends, family members, co-workers, and well, everyone else.


Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Early Resistration Discount

With spring right around the corner it is time to think about signing up for that class you've always wanted to take! Lillstreet offers a wide variety of not only clay classes, but textiles, printmaking, drawing, painting, jewelry making, and much much more. Click here to browse the many Spring class and workshop offerings.

If you register for a class and pay in full by Friday, March 5th, you will receive $20 off your 10-week class, or $10 off your 5-week class. (No discount on workshops or camps).

Be sure to take advantage of this great offer!